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New Plans Brought to You by Time & Wine

Things are continuously building and changing with our new church start.  We’re always learning and that means adjusting as we go.  To that end we are moving back to having only one dinner a week, starting the week of February 8th.  Our core group...

On the Trapeze Without a Net

This work of planting a new church can sometimes feel like being on a trapeze without a net.  Part of this is because I sometimes feel isolated and part of it is the pressure to make something grow.  I’m not doing the same kind of work as many of my...

Faith in Money

Our online banking username and passwords are scripture references.  This means that every time I log in to balance our checkbook or pay bills I start by typing scripture.  It is a way of being grounded in what I believe as I distribute and manage one of my...

I’ve Got the Magic in Me

Magic is not a subject that we often talk about in church.  In fact churches are known for being anti-magic, with a reputation for everything from burning witches at the stake to banning books like Harry Potter. In this rejection of magic I think we’ve lost...