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Seasons Come & Seasons Go

In the mainline church we have a church calendar that we follow, with special seasons full or colors and symbols with meanings meant to encourage our spiritual growth.  Some of these seasons are based around specific, important parts of the Christian narrative...

Digesting Takes Time

A few years ago I was able to go on a retreat led by one of my favorite theologians, Rob Bell.  If you aren’t familiar with him go watch this (my favorites are Dust and Lump if you want to pay to watch...

The Hard Work of Hope

About a year ago our community decided we needed a sign out front.  We wanted to declare our presence to the neighborhood.  We purchased a yard sign that says Sellwood Faith Community and we started our weekly practice of writing positive, loving messages on...

Getting Creative

Our dinners have been known to have almost the same number of children as adults.  One of the lovely things about our model is it provides a great space for everyone, regardless of age to be an active participant in worship.   The kids eat with us and share...