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Weird Church

This week both Jeff and I got to do something new.  We attended two book release parties and sat on a panel at the events.  Jeff did the Thursday night honors, while I spoke on Saturday.  Weird Church was written by one of our friends, Beth Estock who...

Black Bodies and the Justice of God

Last week the church season of Lent began.  This is a time of purposeful growth, where Christians examine their lives and attempt to give something up or take something on that increases our ability to be more like who God would have us to be.  Lent asks us...

Lucky Girl

I am fortunate to serve on the Host Team for General Conference 2016.  For those of you not fluent in  United-Methodist-ese General Conference is the United Methodist Church’s global gathering.  It is held every four years for us to revise our...

The Toll It Is Taking

I am so incredibly lucky to be a church planter.  This is what I was made to do.  Connecting with new people, hosting dinners, dreaming about what communities of faith could look like, and creating space for people to grow are all the things that give me...