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Changing Habits

When I was serving my last church community I would go out to breakfast every Thursday to write my sermon.  Moving here there weren’t any places that seemed the right place to take over a table and spend hours working.  I also stopped giving...

Sacred Signs

I grew up in a progressive, social justice oriented church.  My Sunday School classrooms had Corita Kent prints on the walls and her work has adorned everything from curriculum to my seminary text books, I just never really knew who she was.  I’m lucky...

God on the Edges

 I’m not one of those folks that thinks the church is dying.  I think the church is changing, but that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to deal with the transformation from a cultural force to a voice on the margins.  Working in an...

Low Sunday

This past week we had a low Sunday, mostly because the Sellwood Bridge and many neighborhood roads was closed all day so that cyclists could enjoy a lovely, if wet ride throughout the area. Sometimes when we have low Sundays I get bummed out.  I worry about the...