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Walking Away From A Full House

Part of the deal in forming the Parish was that we would still have regular brunches for the Sellwood Faith Community folks.  Last month the day for brunch fell on the same day as church council at Trinity.  Church council only meets quarterly, and we were discussing...

Showing Up Makes a Difference

One of my key strategies as a church planter is to show up.  And time and time again this strategy has yielded holy and profound opportunities beyond my expectations. This week’s example begins with a rallying cry from our area supervising pastor, District...

Ashes and Dust

I am sitting in my darkened office with a dusting of ashes on my forehead.  My eyes are red from crying as I read of the 17 families who’s loved one did not come home from school today.  Mr. Hixon.  Meadow Pollack. Joaquin Oliver. Coach Fies. Missing or rumored...

Signs of Spring

Recently I was walking across the college campus that is down the block from Trinity United Methodist Church’s building.  It had been day full of meetings and rushing around trying to get everything done, so as I walked I tried to be really present in the...

This Countercultural Life

This past Tuesday instead of watching the hoopla and spin of the political drama unfolding in the US, a small group of us gathered for worship, silence, and prayer.  We remembered our baptism, prayed over the water, lit candles, and claimed our allegiance to the God...